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What The Research Shows

Roughly 35% of patients are insufficiently engaged in their healthcare. Lower patient activation is linked to unhealthy lifestyle behaviors and decreased use of preventative care measures, decreased use of decision support resources, and less productive provider encounters. Everything from medication compliance to job satisfaction affect the patient's overall health. For instance, they may not realize that sitting for long periods of time could impact their heart disease, or that drinking too much juice can drastically disrupt their sugar levels.


will be readmitted to the hospital within 30 days of discharge.


will experience a medical error due to miscommunications.


have poor care coordination between their different providers.


experience health consequences as a result of poor communication.


lose confidence in the healthcare system.

Source: Adapted from AARP & You, “Beyond 50.09” Patient Survey.

Our Team

Despite their best intentions, Doctors now spend less time with patients face-to-face, allowing just enough time to give "what to do " instructions and write out prescriptions. Patients are often confused about treatment, which makes them 50% more likely to be noncompliant.


When patients have muliple chronic diseases, it's improbable - in a brief office visit - to adequately educate them on their chronic conditions to include their medication use, their plan of care, care coordination among all providers, and help them create short-term goals.

Our team of professional, compassionate, and qualified Care Coaches will help bridge this communication gap between patients and providers.

Source: Adapted from AARP & You, “Beyond 50.09” Patient Survey

How we can help engage  your patients?

Our Care Coaches are  trained continually in the top 40 most common chronic diseases. Each is also trained with advanced communication skills to ensure better interaction with patients and providers. Bilingual available.

Patient Engagement - 4 Levels

Using a series of progressive assessment measures, activities, and surveys, our Care Coaches will determine each patients level of engagement with their healthcare and determine a course of training. The 4 levels include:


Disengaged. Individuals are passive and lack confidence. Health knowledge is low. Goal orientation is weak. Adherence is poor. Their perspective: “My doctor is in charge of my health.”


Becoming aware, but still struggling. Individuals have some knowledge, but large gaps remain. They believe health is largely out of their control, but can set simple goals. Their perspective: “I could be doing more.”


Taking Action. Individuals have the key facts and are building self-management skills. They strive for best practice behaviors, and are goal-oriented. Their perspective: “I’m part of my health care team.


Maintaining behaviors and pushing further. Individuals have adopted new behaviors, but may struggle in times of stress or change. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a key focus. Their perspective: “I’m my own advocate.”

Understanding Patient Behaviors Using an Evidence-based chronic care model

 About 80% of patients who are engaged in their care plan have better interaction with their providers. Patients who are more engaged in their care are more likely to set and meet attainable health goals - like improved diet and medication compliance - than those who are not engaged.


Our Program will utilize evidence-based clinical, behavioral, and educational principles to:

Help patients fully understand their conditions and how their behavior impacts their health

Identify behavioral and communication barriers that are preventing improvement

Make positive, transformational changes by helping them set and achieve reachable goals

Chronic Care Opportunity

Nearly 70% of Medicare beneficiaries have 2+ or more chronic conditions.



The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that Medicare beneficiaries with 2 or more chronic conditions account for: 


of Medicare spending, and the 1/3  with 4 or more chronic conditions accounted for almost 75% of Medicare spending.*



By 2020, Medicare expects 67+ million will be aged 65 or older, and by 2050, that number reaches 88.5 million.

Our Core System

We remove the barriers that limit providers - shifting risk to reward.


Advanced technology drives care with automation, integration, and interoperability.   


Clinicians expand your care team to treat patients  beyond your schedule.

24/7 Care

24/7 patient care centers support your patients, on your behalf, reducing risk, and overall care costs. 


All ACA measures, PQRS & NCQA-PCMH, CCM, and HIPAA compliant portals, EHR integration. 

Financial Forecast

Making important business decisions demands accurate intelligence. Your comprehensive financial analysis - based on your service area - will provide the knowledge you need to forecast your population effectively. 

Take the Tour

Discover the industry's most comprehensive solutions for population health, chronic care management, MACRA, and beyond...

Use our online contact form and schedule your personal tour today.

Our Business

At 24ourCare, people make the difference. From our clients themselves—the health care professionals we serve everyday—to our own health professionals, health executives, and HealthIT experts.

Our mission is to solve the challenges you face today and tomorrow.  

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